Once you have completed the installation of Mapcreator you can run the program by clicking on the 'maps' icon which usually takes you to the map creator screen. This may include customizing the size of the map, modifying the colors of the map, selecting from a variety of themes and lastly, you can even download a map from the Internet and use it with MapCreator. You will then be able to select 'Map Creator' from the drop down menu that appears and you will be able to choose how you want to customize your map.
To use MapCreator as an application you need to first download the latest release of the program and then open the folder which contains the various maps you wish to use along with the interactive map creator screen. Map Creator is a very useful and versatile tool as it allows you to either use it as a stand alone application or can be integrated with other applications such as Microsoft Outlook, Sky Map and Windows Map. It can be used for creating any type of map including Aerial Maps, Satellite maps, Mercator maps, and GIS maps and can be used within Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint. Previously, MapCreator was a part of Windows Vista but has been completely rebuilt for the new Windows based operating system. Microsoft have introduced a new Map Creator tool in Windows which allows you to easily create physical maps and also map symbols and points of interest within minutes.